Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Words of the Day

Sagacious (adj)

A sagacious lawyer can keep you out of jail.

Voluminous (adj)

The voluminous works of Shakespeare overfilled my bookshelf.

Arduous (adj)

The arduous task took five weeks to finish.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Words of the Day

Decorous (adj)

Anna's decorous behavior exemplified the meaning of maturity.

Eulogium (n)

The minister's eulogium for the departed mayor left the church congress weeping.

Propriety (n or adj)

Katie needs to practice her propriety when it comes to dealings with the police.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Words of the Day

Rori's tempestuous spirit gets her into fights.

The library is an edifice of knowledge.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Greek Tragedy

Prologue: A monologue or dialogue preceding the entry of the chorus, which presents the tragedy's topic or theme.

Parodos: (Entrance Ode) Refers to the section of the play following the prologue, in which the chorus enters chanting or singing verses.

Odes - Refers to songs sung by the chorus throughout the play. There are two sections:
1) Strophe: (turn) A stanza in which the chorus moves in one direction
2) Antistrophe:(counter-turn) A stanza in which the chorus moves in the opposite direction

Exodus: (Exit Song) Refers to the section of the play in which the chorus leaves chanting or singing.

Chorus: 12-15 actors. The chorus comments on themes, and shows how an ideal audience might react to the drama. It also can represent the general city or town people within a story.

Introduction to Greek Tragedy

Overview - Greek Tragedy

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Words of the Day

Elucidate (v)

Your answers will elucidate the meaning of human existence.

Torpid (adj)

His torpid tongue displayed his unusual lack of interest.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Words of the Day

Dissipate (v)

We dissipated our savings on travel.

The rumor of the cuts dissipated throughout the town.

Disparage (v)

His critical statements disparaged the students from writing confidently.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Words of the Day

Dogmatic (adj)

The dogmatic historian told his students why their essays were "simple", and he ordered them to rewrite them.

Egregious (adj)

Hiring a teacher with no experience was an egregious decision.

Words of the Day

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

New Vocabulary Words

1) Dogmatic
2) Egregious
3) Dissipated
4) Disparage
5) Elucidate
6) Torpid
7) Tempestuous
8) Edifice
9) Decorous
10) Eulogium
11) Propriety
12) Sagacious
13) Voluminous
14) Arduous
15) Alacrity
16) Languid